Kingdom Authority
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” (Romans 13:1, ESV)
Exactly who is seated on the throne anyway? In the midst of all the murmurs and complaints, the hoorays and the support, the violence and the instability of world-wide governments, it is not an easy answer.
There are moments when I would like to join some mountainous tribe and just live off the land.
You might be asking: How is all this mess possible? We continue to hear about COVID-19 and vaccine boosters. Some are vaccinated and some are not. Gun violence is up. Who really knows what’s happening with unemployment? Tempers flare and the word unfair keeps coming into most conversations.
There is a kingdom authority at play here. While we may not understand it (and most of us can’t believe what’s happening in the world today), God knows exactly what He is doing. Do you ever wonder, “God, what are You doing?”
No matter how crazy things become, there is still One Who sits on the throne and He provides for us, loves us, corrects us and leads us day by day. We simply need to put our trust in Him! Can you do it?
Father, help us remember who You are and to bow to Your authority even when we don’t understand or even like it. Help us not to complain and find fault with those who are in authority over us. Teach us to pray for them. AMEN.