The Gift of Health

Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is.

3 John 1:2 (TLB)

So many Christmas cards include a beautiful scene and well-wishes for good health in the upcoming year. Did you realize that it’s right from the Bible and not a Hallmark creation? However, for the person who is experiencing physical or emotional pain daily. or facing a terminal illness or even the poor soul who has been involved in an accident, this idea of maximum health may seem only to be a pipe dream.

Our wellness occasionally takes a nose dive, but our spiritual health can always wear the badge of courage that announces to the world, “It is well with my soul!” You know, some of the best sermons I have ever heard have come from a former prostitute who walked away from a heroin addiction, an older woman in a wheel chair, a man born without legs, and a young quadriplegic.

How is this even possible? I scratch my head and ask as I am trying to get acquainted with this senior problem of arthritis. Perhaps they were born with a purpose to proclaim a message and they speak it loud and clear. I am convinced that they had their moments of anger, frustration and disappointment along the way, but they overcame those obstacles and took their faith to new heights.

Our health is a gift from God and regardless of our situation, He asks us to be thankful and prayerful. There are days when I can do it and then there are other moments when I fizzle out. Those are the times when I ask the Holy Spirit to help me change my attitude.

Health and wellness affect all areas of our lives. But we know the Healer and He knows us intimately. His healing touch may vary from our expectations but we know that someday, we will all be healed. During this Advent season, offer a steady and strong hand to others less fortunate.

Our Father

Father God, teach us not to whine and complain about our aches and pains but to encourage others. Help us to believe Your promises with assurance. AMEN.

Mo Haner