The Gift of Encouragement

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Encouraging others is a gift that we must share with others. I am not talking about superficial fluff words that complement their clothing or their new car. An encouraging word can make or break someone’s day when spoken from the heart.

These words not only bless the receiver but it makes us feel good too. However, to encourage someone requires spending time with them and listening. We all know a rainy Roy or a sour Sandy! Nothing is ever positive and it doesn’t matter what the topic might be. For me, they are the most difficult people to encourage because my initial reaction is to keep a safe distance. But we are called to build each other up.

Today’s youth probably need more encouragement than any other age group. In a report by the Surgeon General, he explained that 1 out of 3 young people have high anxiety with increased mental issues. Numbers were rising before the pandemic but COVID pushed them over the edge to a serious level.

How are we supposed to encourage tweens and teenagers? That’s a tough age! I know a few that could be renamed Roy or Sandy! Would you believe that a kind word might just plant a seed? You might get some weird looks at first but you can do this! Don’t stop just because you’re uncomfortable, keep going!

We also need to remember the single parents, those care-givers who never get a day off and how about those who are bed-ridden or just down and out. Everyone can find someone who needs a little encouragement.

Maybe it is you!

When we give kind words to others and cheer them on, it does something for us. We hear our own words coming back at us and we perk up!

During this season, the need is great for encouraging words. Our church family has changed this year and we must be sensitive to those around us. Instead of putting a stamp on that holiday card and taking it to the post office, try being the card. Be real! You don’t have to be frilly or frivolous. Ask God to give you the words to say…and He will. You can do it, yes you can!

You Raise Me Up

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing encouragers into our lives when we need them. Help us to reach out to others and share Your love. AMEN.

Mo Haner