Breathe on Me
Acts 17:25b He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need.
A new baby restfully asleep in her cradle, quiet and serene, is a vision of a blessing from God. You have to lean closely for the only sign of sentience—the breath of life.
In the beginning, when God finishes making an image of themselves, He stirs him into motion—He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
In answer to Jesus’ promise to send a comforter, the assembled disciples—in a sense—came alive when they heard the sound of a mighty, rushing wind and the Holy Spirit came upon them—it was the breath of God.
That same breath is an active agent in each of us. If we allow it, the Holy Spirit is a comforter, an advocate, a breath of life to guide us in the main purpose of our lives, which is to be a steward of our environment and to help spread the kingdom of God. Our words, carried on the breath of our speech, can be the impetus for someone becoming a better disciple of Jesus.
We are emerging from a very trying and troubling time. Some people have admitted to being listless with no zest, no commitment, no drive, no fervor. There have been days when I felt almost robotic, just going through the motions of living, but not living at all. If this miasmal cloud has affected you, you may be existing, coping, floating along but not really living.
Edwin Hatch years ago recognized this condition and wrote these words:
Breathe on me, Breath of God,
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love what Thou dost love,
And so what Thou wouldst do.
Hear those words in song.
Use your breath. Spread the Gospel: God is not dead; Jesus lives.