Bring It On!

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“I can do all things through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:16)

ME: Jesus, I know I said those words and at the time, I seriously meant them. I thought I could handle this challenge, but I can’t and furthermore, I don’t want to.

JESUS: Why did you so willingly jump into this? I do not recall talking about it.

ME: From the beginning discussions, I was not totally sure of what to do, but a decision had to be made.

JESUS: Beloved, have I not taught you that when you do not know what to do—DO NOTHING and WAIT?

ME: Yes, You have made that abundantly clear and now I am paying the price. Please forgive me.

JESUS: You are forgiven but let’s talk about this a little. Why do you think you are not capable of finishing this task?

ME: I am too old and not a fan of hot weather. My heart told me it would be fun but my body screams at me asking, “What were you thinking!”

JESUS: It sounds like you have already decided that you can’t do it but I have not heard you ask for even a little bit of help from anyone.

ME: I guess I want to prove that old people have value and can keep up.

JESUS: Precious child, your value comes from Me, not what you do. But remember that you are not young anymore. One way you add value to other’s lives is sharing the wisdom you have gained over the many years you have walked with Me. The truth is, you cannot always keep up but you cannot give up either.

ME: Oh, but I want to in the worst way!

JESUS: Perhaps you do but that is not My plan for you. I want you to ask for help and not be weighted down with all the details. No one said you were in charge of anything.  I also want you to love those in your care and pray for the young impressionable ones.

ME: I made lots of mistakes, didn’t I? I am so very sorry.

JESUS: Your heart was in the right place but you did not seek My blessing.

ME: Will You help me finish these challenging days ahead? I know You can, but will You?

JESUS: I went to the cross for you, I can handle this as well.

Mistakes by Unspoken

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your patience with my mistakes! Help me to keep You in first place as I navigate these senior years. AMEN.

Mo Haner