The Time Is Now


“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul” (Psalm 143:8).

ME: I heard someone say today, “Time is on my side.” I am not sure that I believe that. Exactly what did they mean?

JESUS: My child, your recent journey has been on a rugged road and the path ahead remains hazy in your eyes.

ME: But what does that have to do with time being a blessing?

JESUS: Well, when you stay in the moment and let me deal with the past and future, things look much brighter and clearer. You are always saying that you want more joy in your life and I am about to tell you how to do accomplish that task.

ME: So, You are telling me that time will bring me joy?

JESUS: No, I am telling you that what you do with your time—this present moment—will soften your heart and bring you closer to Me. In return, I will give you great joy. You are not alone but it still grieves My heart when you are not grateful for what I am doing right now. You have missed so many opportunities; new blossoms, the fawns in the field, special times with friends and family. I gave them to you to enjoy. You are always too busy or too tired.

ME: But I am!

JESUS: Talk to Me about it. Ask My Holy Spirit to help you lighten your load. Tired and busy are not positive words in My kingdom.

ME: I don’t know how to live an “unbusy” life.

JESUS: I know. Just try to stay in the present. I will say that you seized the moment with the precocious child today who seemed to pester you with questions. You hugged him and that is all he really needed. He did not need answers. Both of you benefited. In that moment your past and future did not matter, did it?

ME: No, it just felt natural to love on him.

JESUS: How did you know to hug him? Who told you to do that?

ME: No one told me. It was…in my heart.

JESUS: Who do you think put that thought in your heart?

ME: Oh…I think I am beginning to see what You are trying to say.

JESUS: I believe I am saying it well; you are having trouble hearing this. Please understand that while you are an intelligent being, you could not handle seeing all of your life at once.

ME: That is a scary thought. Most likely I would run like a screaming banshee and hide in a cave.

JESUS: There you would be of no value to anyone. So, I give you only the moment you now have. What you do with it is up to you but I have a plan if you are feeling lost.

In His Time with Maranatha

Mo Haner