
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:12

 ME: Why can’t I just be?

JESUS: Talk to Me! Explain.

ME: Everybody wants something and I feel like I’m torn apart. Maybe I need a vacation where I can find peace and quiet.

JESUS: Perhaps.

ME: I don’t want to be skinny and beautiful like they show on TV. I want to be healthy.  I don’t even want to be old but I can’t fix that and neither can You. I want to think young, act interested in life and stay involved and active.

JESUS: Where did these frustrating thoughts come from? You seem to be irritated.

ME: Yes, I guess I am. Maybe I watched too much TV this week.

JESUS: What do you want to be?

ME: I don’t really know for sure but I think I want some very basic things. I want to be loved. I want to be kind. I want to be faithful.

JESUS: You are! Why do you fret, My child?

ME: Because I don’t always feel those things; I mean with other people. I know You love me.

JESUS: What do you expect others to do to make you be better?

ME: …(sigh) I have unrealistic expectations, don’t I?  So, are you suggesting that this is an inside job? Are you actually trying to say that I need to stop trying to please and be like other people?

JESUS: Possibly. There is nothing wrong in seeking the good in others. But think of all the things you can be without the help of another human being. You need My help to be brave, kind, loving, forgiving, compassionate and so much more. The only person you can reasonably be is the one I thought of and created before the foundation of the world. Sure, you can try to be someone else, but we both know how that turns out every time.

ME: Why don’t I feel fulfilled?

JESUS: Because you are looking for accolades from the world. You will never get them. You are seeking favor from the wrong source. I am the only One who has the eternal power to say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant!”

ME: But how can I be good enough?

JESUS: You can’t! But My grace, mercy, love and forgiveness cover all your blemishes. To Me, you look perfectly beautiful and radiant.

ME: Jesus, I know what I want to be—more like You.

JESUS: Good choice!

Just Be

Mo Haner