Questions For God by Anonymous
You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit. Job 10:12
If you look at the whole of chapter 10 of Job, you will find Job complaining of his situation in life. He’s lamenting how unfair life is to him and wonders if this is all God’s doing. And if it is – why pick on him? He had led a life devoted to God.
I have had experiences of loss or life changing outcomes where I’ve wondered how these events happen. I have proclaimed to God – “I’m totally confused. I don’t understand the things that are happening to me”. I’ve asked God, “Where are You in this? What have I done to deserve this?”.
The verse today reminds us that God is the giver of all life in creation. He is present and active in all of it – sustaining it and ruling it. Providence is God guiding and steering human history. Which essentially applies to us individually.
I have no easy answers to the difficulties of life – but I can offer these actions to consider when you are feeling burdened and anxious in difficult situations:
Lean on faith and the conviction that life is a gift that is to be cherished.
Be honest with God about how you are feeling. Relationships are based on honest sharing of feelings and preparing our hearts to hear the answers.
Remind God of His promise. Take time to read Psalm 22. It’s a prayer that carries us from great suffering to great joy. Reminding God of His promises is an act of faith.
Job also references God’s kindness. His genuine compassion and respect for humanity. That’s the kindness we need to know to move us to act and speak in ways that build people up and to provide needed care. This kindness enables us to be ready with a kind or helpful word, a compassionate smile, or a genuine touch. It says I see you. I see your pain. I believe you are worthy of love. We all struggle in living in this fallen world where things happen to make our daily life a struggle. Kindness is that gift that we can share with one another.
Father God, You are sovereign over my life. Let met not turn from difficulties or be unfaithful to my beliefs. Inspire me with a spirit of joy and gladness and make me a strength to others in need. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.