Prepare or Pause

…but few things are needed—or indeed only one…Luke 10:42

Recently Pastor Chris delivered an awesome message and in it I found a tiny phrase that made me stop and think. “Prepare or pause” were the words that stuck in my head all week so now I’m going to share my thoughts and hopefully, it will get stuck in your heart.

We can do an amazing job of preparing for this season—almost to the point of perfection. If we reach perfection most likely we are acting grumpy, feeling exhausted and worrying about money! Somehow, I don’t think this is what John the Baptist had in mind when he put great effort into preparing. Can’t you just hear him yelling, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord!” to whomever was in ear shot. Not having any classes on public speaking, I would imagine that he might have scared a few people with his gruffness.

No gifts, ornaments or cookies did he use. He was a simple man, just doing what he was born to accomplish. His purpose was to make sure that others knew that the Messiah was here. While some believed and others didn’t, it did not matter to him what the score card said. He kept bellowing the message from his heart.

Preparation was his purpose and to be sure, I am not speaking of the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

Now, let’s think about 2022! Are you leaning toward material preparations or pausing to consider the greatest Gift ever given to mankind? To be totally honest, I fluctuate between the two but this year I am doing more pausing that preparation – especially today as I write this. Who knows where I will be by tomorrow!

The gifts are all purchased except for one. Some of the stress is gone. I am able to take more and more time to pause and genuinely explore this Gift from God. (As you can tell, I have not mastered this yet.)  However, my heart tells me that when we stop and ponder what it meant for Him to give up His beloved Son to come for us, it is beyond words.

Hit the pause button and stop the earthly preparations for 2022. We can find incredible joy and peace as we prepare a place in our hearts for the King of kings.

How Many Kings

Lord Jesus, please teach us to ponder the true meaning of Your birth and to recognize You as the One most necessary in our lives. AMEN.

Mo Haner