Five Letters That Changed the World

And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21 NKJV

Christmas is coming whether you like it or not. It’s not as if you didn’t know this season happens every single year. Somehow, we got distracted by Thanksgiving plans and all of a sudden, we are thrust into this festive month wondering how we got here. You would think we might have learned a lesson or two from previous years.

What could we have possibly learned from the past? Well, for me, I like to buy presents starting in January when I see things. But I have to tell you this year I did not. I am still trying to get ideas from my grandson, and it is like pulling wisdom teeth. I made lots of gifts (with a lot of help from my friend) but it is the finishing touches that rocks my sanity world every time.

The biggest question is this: Why can’t I just relax and get into the real meaning of Christmas without the glitz/glitter and keeping score of gifts? Is there somewhere that has a blue-light special offering peace or good will? I would be first in line if you could recommend a safe location that is local.

When I hear the word “Jesus” my heart feels a different kind of excitement. I can experience it for a few moments and then the flame seems to go out. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life (John 8:12, NIV).  No darkness (including stress and anxiety) can overcome His light! He came to us with a plan that would save souls thousands of years into the future. I believe that…but I’m not sure I get it. How is this possible?

The helpless baby Jesus was born in a stable and placed in a manger. His name will echo throughout all creation forever and ever. He literally changed the world! Jesus was a very popular name back then but there was only one JESUS that we still adore, praise and worship.

Just writing this quickens my heart! How about you?

Oh What a Beautiful Name

Loving Father, help me never to forget the lyrics to this song.

Jesus, Jesus
Oh what a beautiful name
Jesus, Jesus
Forever will be the same
I know of a name a beautiful name
That angels brought down to earth
To a maiden of lowly birth
I know of a name a beautiful name
That unto a baby was given
The stars glittered bright
Throughout that glad night
And angels praised God in heaven


Mo Haner