Ego Monster

And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Luke 12:15

There are many hideous and horrific monsters looming in the shadows! That list includes scammers, cyber criminals and just plain folks up to no good. We are warned all throughout the Bible to use our discernment and be wise in our dealings with others. How is it then that we fall prey to gimmicks and gizmos? The ugly ego monster enters our thoughts and all of a sudden, we are not satisfied with ourselves. We covet! We crave more and better!

The TV advertisements are no better! Use this [product] and your wrinkles will disappear. Hey, I am almost 70 and I worked hard for these aging lines. One of my favorites is a beverage before bed that will reduce your body three sizes in two weeks without one jumping jack or push up! How exactly does that work?

Have you ever wondered how much money is being poured into these products? Friends, I think about these things. My favorite of those listed above was valued at 10.1 billion in 2021. I think that the ego monster showed up, don’t you? How exciting to become thinner and svelte again! But what happens when we stop taking it?

By the way, I am sure that you have purchased your car warranty. Right? Everyone seems to have a gimmick and if we are not careful, we could be buying an expensive warranty that we do not truly need…just because Ice-T told us we do.

Has anyone ever met or known a winner of the magazine publishing company money? Wow, it’s an astronomical weekly amount paid to the recipient! But first, magazines (that are probably never read) must be ordered. Again, the ego monster has danced in with a rich scheme!

Let’s get real here! The chances of us becoming more beautiful / handsome, thinner, wealthy, less stressed about our vehicle etc. are very small compared to the money we shell out. Now, multiply that by millions of other believers and seekers. Who are the ones looking good and getting rich?

What has become of that old time faith that tells us we are beautiful in His sight? We seem to let our egos get the best of us. God provides for our needs. The closer we walk with Him, the more radiant we become. Forget the world’s image and tell your ego to hush! We are sons and daughters of the King of kings. We don’t need anything more or better.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your steadfast love. Please help me to be alert and discerning as I navigate my days. You are all I need. AMEN.

Mo Haner