Complaints or Chocolate

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, Philippians 2:14 (NIV)

ME: Jesus, I am going to try something new this year for Lent. I am going to give up complaining. I am only going to speak positive words.

JESUS: What about thinking those negative thoughts and comments?

ME: You really can’t expect me to stop my hidden thoughts. I am not saying those words to anyone and besides, You are the only one who knows what I am thinking.

JESUS: My precious child, what makes you think that I want to hear or know your negativity. To me, that is sin and I….

ME: I am sorry to interrupt but maybe I will give up chocolate instead. That is easier to control.

JESUS: Yes, you can do that with your eyes closed. But I would rather have you work on something that is a bit more challenging and might have a positive effect on you and those around you. Why don’t you stick with your original plan?

ME: Well, to be very honest, I know I’ll fail. My thoughts are random and they just wander off.

JESUS: Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit!

ME: What do I say? “Help me not to call people morons in my mind!” You know I would never hurt someone’s feelings by saying that face-to-face.

JESUS: Yes, I know your heart, but I also know that you have a sarcastic and judgmental nature that needs some work. You’re not being kind to yourself when you do that! You are not loving your neighbor as I have asked you to love them.

ME: But Jesus, how do You keep Your cool with all these idi….

JESUS: You have not been listening to Me! It’s not about how you feel about others. It is not about sweet candy that you like. It’s not about denying yourself something. It’s about loving Me more than you do right now.

ME: I don’t know what to say.

JESUS: I know. This is not a guilt trip but a glimpse at reality. Listen to Me, it cost Me everything—My life—to pay for your sins. Finding fault with people and circumstances is a sin. I am not asking for perfection; I am asking for awareness and action on your part. Tiny steps, My child.

ME: …(sigh) Challenges can be fun. Wait, You’re not going to ask me to give up chocolate too, are You?

JESUS: No, complaining is quite enough right now.

Without Complaining

Mo Haner