Connecting The Dots

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Psalm 46:1-2

For most of us there are times when it seems like our lives are falling apart. It is hard when things don’t make sense. We want to understand not only how things happen but why. Why do bad things happen? Why is good not always rewarded? Why does it seem that evil prevails? We look for cause and effect. We like to connect the dots. We seek answers.

Throughout time God’s people have struggled with these kinds of questions. Ultimately, we can embrace that God’s ways are far beyond us; He works in mysterious ways. And there are times when He does reveal how He works. One example would be the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. His brothers sold him into slavery and he endured many difficulties. Through it all he trusted God and eventually was the second most powerful man in Egypt, preparing a nation to survive a famine
(including his brothers). The day that Jesus Christ was crucified it was the saddest, darkest day in history and yet through God’s power and love it led to the resurrection.

When the world seems upside down it is a reminder to trust in who God is and all that God has promised. When we face our own confounding experiences or suffering, this verse reminds us to look to God. The psalmist proclaims God’s power to overcome any trouble that appears to have the upper hand. God is the author of salvation. God will help. God is our refuge in every trouble.

God of promise, be our refuge today and always. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

God My Rock

Bobbie Hoffman