The Best Path

The LORD said, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” PSALM 32:3

ME: Good morning, Jesus! I have some decisions to make and I’m feeling pressured. How am I going to know if I am making the right choice? None of them seem to be wrong but I need to make them soon.

JESUS: I know of what you are speaking. What does your heart tell you to do?

ME: That’s just it! My heart has no answer that I can specifically cling to and be assured of this decision.

JESUS: What have I tried to teach you over the years?

ME: When I don’t know what to do, wait. Isn’t that right?

JESUS: Yes, and that, my precious child, is most difficult for you to do. You tend to want immediate responses to everything. If you’re not bleeding, or there is no life-threatening situation, regardless of the pressure you may feel, wait for Me to show you the next best step to take.

ME: I’ve messed up so many times by independently stepping out without Your perfect input. There are very few success stories that come with those choices. Hey, but I am learning! At least I am talking to You about things.

JESUS: You are, and that brings Me great joy!

ME: But what about the decisions I must make soon? I feel like time is running out.

JESUS: Your soon and My soon are not always the same. Consider the motive behind your choices. From My perspective, you seem to be the one putting pressure on yourself. You feel a need to make a change and you have placed your focus on shaking things up to accommodate change. What if I told you to just wait?

ME: I really don’t like that choice.

JESUS: Yes, I know, but will you do it? If you want the best path, you are going to have to learn the true meaning of wait. I have always wanted the best for you and I will never lead you astray.

ME: (sigh) How long is this going to take?

JESUS: As long as it takes you to learn to wait on Me.

ME: (mumbling quietly) Give me strength!

JESUS: Ahhh…I heard that, and I will!

While I’m Waiting

Photograph: Michael Johnston

Mo Haner