Joined in Prayer

They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.  Acts 1:14

On the day He ascended, Jesus said, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised” A waiting period for His followers had begun. How many times would they have thought about and wondered about this gift, the power and presence of God’s Holy Spirit? Jesus didn’t say when the Spirit would come so, what were they to do while waiting?

A lot of action transpires in the book of Acts, but one of the first recorded actions of these believers after Jesus’ ascension was that they joined together in prayer. We are not sure how all this is organized, but we do know three things.

First, they joined together. This group that scattered and fled from the Mount of Olives when Jesus was arrested were together again as they now walk back to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Second, they were constantly in prayer. There was an everyday consistency of prayer that marked their lives. Third, even the brothers of Jesus who did not join in following Him as disciples now join with this group of believers.

How do we wait for God to answer our prayers, or change things in the world that are so broken? This lesson from Acts is a great encouragement to continue to pray. Certainly, we pray together in worship and in our Bible studies. Where in your life can you add prayers? Perhaps we can find opportunities to pray with family and friends even in everyday conversations. Have you ever texted a prayer to a friend who is facing a challenge? Prayers don’t need to be long to bless someone. As someone once said to me, “Instead of saying I’ll pray for you, say a prayer for that person - in a note, email, text, or phone call.”  

May we fill this time that we have been given with prayer.

Father, God may we continue to join together in prayer. Open our hearts that we might take every opportunity to pray with and for each other. Help us to trust that each prayer is significant and important to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Inspired by a Today Devotion

Give Us Clean Hands

Bobbie Hoffman