Think Through Love

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV)

There are moments when I just don’t feel like sharing or giving. In fact, I feel fretful and stingy; overwhelmed with the thought of self-preservation. “I don’t have enough for me, let alone them too!” That is when guilt stomps in and I don’t much care for that feeling either. Stop, reassess the situation, and think through love. Cynthia Ruchti (Mornings with Jesus) talks about some important lessons of generosity.


A friend once told me, “How can Jesus fill a wallet that’s already full?” I’ve never forgotten that. It has helped me through many dust-bunnies-in-my-bank-account moments. Jesus is the ultimate provider. He’s also the ultimate reminder, through His Holy Spirit.

Yesterday, I had lunch with a new friend and felt moved to pay for her meal too. The week had been especially lean with expenditures, leaving little excess. But the whisper was unmistakable. Pay for hers too.

It did not come as a surprise that, almost to the dollar, Jesus restored what I’d spent on lunch before the day was over. He’s done that so many times in the past that, although I still marvel at His grace, it no longer shocks me. Is that one of the secrets to living drenched in the grace of Jesus—expecting grace because He is so faithful, but marveling and grateful because He is so faithful?

Jesus encourages me to be generous, then refills the supply when I am. He directs me to love deeply and unconditionally, then offers me a measure of graciousness to do so when it’s hard. He places tough assignments in front of me and then provides the tools needed because I came to the task ill-equipped, but He isn’t!

It’s a marvel all right—Jesus’s boundless grace.

FAITH STEP: Describe the grace of Jesus in a word or two. Thank Him for it.

10,000 Reasons

Heavenly Father, You have filled us again and again. How can we ever show enough gratitude? Help us to be generous and to reflect Your love and giving spirit with those around us. AMEN.

Mo Haner