
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5 (NIV)

How many times have we encountered idolatry in our lives? I would venture a guess that we do every single day and just don’t recognize it as such. Whether it is social climbing, title grabbing, pastors on pedestals or addictions of any kind, we are exposed to them frequently. Isabella Campolattaro, (Mornings with Jesus) shares insights that she gleaned from her own life.


I used to think of idols as primitive carvings of bizarre figures or the golden calf described in Exodus 32. Raised Catholic, I was accustomed to statues, paintings, and other artistic renderings of Jesus, Mary, biblical figures, and assorted saints as a common expression of faith and worship. Those were never considered idols to me, but that doesn’t mean I’ve lived idol-free.

The dictionary defines idol as both “an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship” and “a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered.” In the language of faith, an idol is anything I put before God. Paul further clarifies sins that are idols—anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive language (Colossians 3:8). The reality is, there are much more threatening idols not made of marble, wood, or resin.

I idolized my dear mother, who struggled with mental illness, orbiting around her and trying to help in the unhealthiest ways for both of us. I idolized professional achievement, chasing desperately after titles and acquisition without regard for God’s true call on my life. I’ve even idolized church, becoming zealously religious, as my heart drifted further and further from Jesus. My idols of codependency, pride, legalism, and the illusion I could do it alone were false idols that needed to be smashed.

That’s one of the biggest problems with idols—they break, or they break us. But there’s a solution. Making Jesus first is the answer to living idol-free.

FAITH STEP: What do you put before Jesus? Ask Him to reveal any idols in your life, then smash them.

Breaking Strongholds

Heavenly Father, thank You for being our Defender and Protector. When we are weak, You show up strong and we are so grateful. You never let go of us—even when we are ready to quit. Thank You! AMEN.

Mo Haner