Face to Face

No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. 1 John 4:12 (ESV)

Many, many years ago, I had a most unusual dream. In my vision, I was in a cave in the side of a rocky mountain. Suddenly there were beautiful lights flashing and then I heard music in the lights. It was truly the most heavenly sounding notes I have ever heard in my life. I would love to experience that again.

Now I’m not boasting of having a Moses moment, because even he did not see God face-to-face, (and his relationship was far stronger than mine). It’s a little disappointing that we cannot have this experience on this side. But don’t let it get you down.

I see evidence of Him all around me. From the pictures Michael takes to the coffee person at church to the volunteer at the library to the neighbor who makes a hot meal for a family down with COVID. From the greeter at the door at church to the guy who stops in the middle of the parking lot, hops out, and helps hoist three 50-pound bags of bird and deer food into the trunk, all these caring people share God’s love. We even get to witness and be part of these actions.

How about those short-term mission trips both here and abroad? It’s a week or two out of our lives but it could be a life-changer for those on the receiving end. What are we doing to show others proof of His love?

We do not have to wait for a face-to-face moment with Him. We are blessed multiple times daily by messages He drops into the hearts of others who then act on His behalf. Maybe act is the key word here. I think we often hear Him and feel His nudge to bless someone else and then we get blurry vision and a bad case of really?

Would He ask you to step out of your routine to be His ambassador? Of course He would! The question is this: Are you willing to do whatever He lays in your heart?

 Do Something

Heavenly Father, thank You for the whispers and nudges You give us. Help us fill our tanks with Your Love, Mercy and Compassion so that we may act on Your behalf. Teach us to take on each task without question. AMEN.

Mo Haner