Kittens on the Way

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 (NKJV)

Waiting is difficult for some of us as we tend to be an impatient lot. What if we had to wait 700 years for something that had been promised? Could you do it or would you let it go? Perhaps this is what hope is all about. Deb Kastner (All God’s Creatures) shares a message we all need to remember.


A couple of Christmases ago, we decided we wanted to adopt a kitten. We’d always been dog people, and cats were new to us, so we contacted my sister, who runs an animal sanctuary, and asked her to look out for the perfect kitten for our family. We anxiously waited for news regarding our new kitty.

As we waited, we gathered all the supplies we would need to house our new cat—bowls and food, toys (bring on the catnip!), a cat tower and a scratching post. We wanted our special kitten to have everything he or she needed.

Then came the news for which we’d been waiting. The perfect kitten was available to us.

Actually, it was not one but two kittens. Bonded brothers, they were black tuxedo American shorthairs who had to be adopted together. How did we feel about taking on two kittens?

We joyfully agreed and welcomed our two new fur babies, Dab and Hype, into our home. Now that we’ve had them for two years, I can’t imagine having adopted only one cat. They groom each other, play together, eat together, and laze around with each other. We may not have known what was best for our family, but God certainly did.

God also knew what was best for us when He sent His only begotten Son, born of a virgin. Many people back then weren’t looking for a poor baby born in a manger; they hoped for a mighty king coming in triumph with an army. Yet as He did with our kittens, the Lord knew what was best when He sent Jesus to be our Savior, to show us the way back to God.

Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

—Romans 15:7 (ESV)

Come Jesus Prince of Peace

Almighty Father, we thank You for giving us what is best for us. Help us always to remain thankful. During this season and always, teach us to patiently await Your return. AMEN.

Mo Haner