Sun Changes Perceptions

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:13 (ESV)

Greetings from my writing table. From where I sit, I have just a wonderful view of the sun rise on the mountain across the road. Up against the naked tree line sits a John Deere tractor ready for some kind of activity.

Let me first explain that there are few things on this planet that give me as much peace and joy as the dawning of a new day. From the utter darkness to small shadows to distinguishable objects; and then comes the sun’s evidence in various shades of nature.

On this particular morning, I was busy reading and glanced up to see that tractor. I didn’t think much about it because it had been there for a few days. When I looked again, the sun was shining so brightly on it that had I not known it was a tractor, I might have thought that a UFO had landed. I could not tell what it was. Within ten minutes, the sun had moved and once again it was a recognizable machine.

What I saw was fascinating and it made me stop and think. How do other people see us? Are we shining brightly? How long does that sparkle last? Do we put it on for a few moments or do we wear it all the time?

We might dazzle in the mornings (especially Sundays) but what happens at the end of a difficult day or during the rest of the week? If we are sunshine people, when the sun moves, we are no different than anyone else. We live, look and act like the rest of the world. However, if we are Son-shine people, well, that’s a different story.

The Son gives us a different reality. It’s one that the society mocks and ridicules. But I would much rather see us shine with radiance than be lost in this dark world today. How about you?


Loving Father, thank You for Your Light that changes our perceptions of others and details in life. We need You every second of every day to show us how to live and love. AMEN.

Mo Haner