Changing My Devotion

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

For more than ten years, I have been reading devotions by Sarah Young. She has become a significant person in my life. I have quoted her numerous times and never seem to tire of her daily readings. This January 1st, I started a morning and evening devotion time.

Giving up my TV time was truly a little tough. It is the only time during the day that I watch anything at all. I did not quit with the nightly devotions. After about a month, I found that I was sleeping better and when unpleasant dreams intruded into my rest, I was able to remember verses that I had just read.

So, a few weeks ago when I was patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for my new laptop to be ready, I went next door to the Christian Bookstore and looked around. Lo and behold I found another author that I used to read all the time, Max Lucado. I think I’ve read every book he’s ever written. I picked up a devotional and glanced through it finding contributions from the books he’s published.

There was only a daily devotion; not morning and evening. There was only one Scripture verse listed. Wow! This would be nice to have; it’s streamlined. I bought it and started it the next morning. Something was seriously missing but I put Sarah Young on the shelf. Those first few nights were just not peaceful. His book did not contain a section that said: Before You Turn Out the Light.

I missed having several references listed and holding my Bible to find them and highlighting them in red pencil. The insight was just not the same. Had I tried to streamline my time with Jesus? Ouch!

Well, I did change my devotional time. I still hang out twice a day with Sarah Young. In the evenings when I climb into my recliner, I can’t wait to see how she says to spend the last moments of the day. But I have also added Max Lucado’s daily reading as well.

Sometimes, you can’t give up a good thing.

Thy Word

Father of Light, thank You for others who have shown Your light into our lives. May we become a beacon for You in the days ahead. AMEN.

Mo Haner