My Way Is Perfect

The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. Psalm 37:23-24 (NIV)

ME: Jesus, sometimes I wish You would just show up here and give me a sign that everything is gonna be alright.

JESUS: What makes you think that I don’t? You are Mine for all time—and beyond into eternity.

ME: But I don’t always feel that You are close to me. Life can get very chaotic and scary. I need a…well, a more practical Presence, a safe place.

JESUS: I know you are not joking, but to Me, it is rather humorous. I have given you My Word where you will find promises. Daily, I send people into your life with encouragement. Think about the lady in the Landis parking lot. You exchanged blessings after viewing the beautiful rainbow that I placed in the sky. Her words of encouragement rang in your heart all the way home.

ME: Yes, I am still thinking about that brief encounter. It filled me with joy.

JESUS: It is the joy that only I offer you. I want you to realize how utterly secure you are. Even if you falter on this journey in life, I will never let go of your hand.

ME: But that is what I am saying, I don’t feel Your hand in mine. Am I missing something?

JESUS: O, My precious child! You awoke this morning, you’re breathing and writing. I have sustained you through some—shall we say, ‘less than stellar choices’ and you still question My Presence?

ME: When You put it that way, there is no doubt in my mind.

JESUS: Knowing that your future is absolutely assured frees you to live abundantly today. I have prepared this day for you with my most tender concern and attention to detail.

ME: So why do I keep trying to write my own to-do list every day?

JESUS: Because you are human. Try approaching the day in a responsive mode, being on the lookout for all that I am doing for you.

ME: It sounds easy enough.

JESUS: My child, it requires a deep level of trust, based on the knowledge that My Way is perfect, My way is flawless, and I shield all who take refuge in Me.

ME: Oh my, You better hold my hand…tightly!

Precious Lord, Take My Hand

Precious Lord, thank You for leading us through each day. Help us to trust You more and more. The way seems long, but You are our refuge. AMEN.

Mo Haner with Sarah Young

Mo Haner