“I am the bread of life. . . . I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.” John 6:48, 51

After seeing Jesus heal the sick, many people were following Jesus. He went up a mountain side to be with His disciples. When seeing all the people, He did a great miracle to feed them. There were reasons why people were so happy to have an abundance of bread out on the mountainside (John 6:1-13). They were really hungry, and suddenly—miraculously—there was fresh, free bread!

But on the next day some people come to Jesus with a few questions. They knew the story of Moses and how God fed His people with manna in the desert, and they are trying to understand Who this new bread-making miracle worker was. They knew that their ancestors were fed in the wilderness long ago, so how could Jesus claim to be the One sent by God?

When Jesus told them that He Himself is the bread that came down from heaven, they just couldn’t believe it. Jesus was saying that He was sent by God and that He had seen God. And when Jesus says, “Whoever eats this bread will live for­ever,” He was referring back to the miracles God did in the past, and He is pointing forward to the ever­lasting life that is to come. Jesus is putting Himself at the very center of the story of all that God is doing to save the whole world. And the only thing we need to do to be a part of what God is doing is to believe in the One God has sent. Jesus The Christ (John 6:29).

Jesus, we believe that You have been sent by God, and are His Son, and we believe that You are the Bread of Life, which You have given for the life of the whole world. We receive Your gift with humble thanks. Amen.

I AM the Bread of Life

Bobbie Hoffman