Birds at the Feeder

Open your mouth wide and I will fill it with good things. Psalm 81:10 (NLT)

Bird lovers know that these feathered friends can clean out a feeder within hours especially in rough, snowy weather. They are fun to watch but one has to wonder how they can eat so much in a single day. Darlene Kerr (All God’s Creatures) shares some spiritual insight she has gained by caring for these avian creatures.


 Whoever coined the phrase “eat like a bird” to describe light eaters didn’t know much about birds. Perhaps it’s a reference to their pecking away at food, a small seed at a time. Yet, if you spend any time watching feeders, you will witness persistent and voracious eaters. Birds revisit neighborhood feeders within their territory with intense regularity.

During winter, we’re vigilant about filling our bird feeders. We stock our feeding stations with songbird food and hang suet feeders for the woodpeckers and (we hope) eastern bluebirds. We watch and wait to see what will show up, and it doesn’t take long for our feathered visitors to devour the food we offer them.

As my husband made yet another trip within a matter of days to replenish our feeders, I smiled thinking of our birds and their behavior. From the littlest Carolina wrens and chickadees to the flamboyant cardinals and blue jays, these repeat customers are constantly returning for more. We, and by extension our feeders, have become their source for sustenance and life during the long winter months.

I likewise have long winter months. Not the kind related to harsh weather and dormant plants, but of battles with health, heartaches, and losses. Problems that moved into my home with intention to stay. I often felt powerless and frustrated. And, oh, so weary.

Thankfully my source for sustenance is Jesus, the One who never fails, the One who possesses all the riches of glory. My husband and I must replenish our supply of birdseed for our avian friends, but Jesus owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10), and His provision is endless. I partake with regularity and persistence. Through my winter times and all the times, I have learned to rely of Jesus in all things, believing He will always meet me at my circumstances and mercifully respond to my needs.


Upon whom do you rely for all your provisions?

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er! Louisa M. R. Stead

Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Sovereign Lord, thank You for being the One and only One who provides for all of creation. Teach us to care about this world as You do.  AMEN.

Photo Michael Johnston

Mo Haner