Stick Your Neck Out

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

This is me! Randy Bendetto (All God’s Creatures) has been reading my mail. He wrote this about me but I don’t know how. I’m sure I know why. I think this devotion hits home for many of us.


It’s hard to pet a turtle. Their shells are hard, their claws are sharp, and they tuck themselves into a ball if you try to cuddle. And they’re not as slow as fairy tales and fables make them out to be; in fact, they can scamper off pretty quickly if they feel threatened!

The introverts of the reptilian world, box turtles are quiet creatures never uttering a sound. Being reserved and self-contained, they prefer to keep to themselves. I’ve never felt a turtle rub against my leg asking for a belly rub. Turtles seem to enjoy their time alone inside their cozy shells, especially during their long months of winter hibernation.

Introverted people and turtles have some things in common. I can’t speak for turtles, but I can speak for introverts, being one myself. I am very content to be left along to spend my days in solitude, sway from noise and interaction. I tend to get too cozy in my man-made shell, where I feel comfortable, warm, and safe.

This problem isn’t unique to me or to introverts. I think we’re all inclined to be self-protective and self-absorbed sometimes—even my extroverted friends. This might work perfectly fine for a turtle, but it can be lonely for a person. When I stick my neck out toward the people God has placed around me, God blesses me with enriching relationships. No matter what our personality is, we all want to be loved, understood, and appreciated for the unique way God has made us.


It’s OK to play turtle for a while, as long as you don’t get too fond of your shell. Eileen Wilks

You Are My Strength

Heavenly Father, thank You for the life lessons You teach us through even the creatures You created. Help us to stick our necks out for You and to share Your love with everyone. AMEN.

Photo Michael Johnston

Mo Haner