He's Mine

So what great love the Father has lavished on us. That we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are. 1 John 3:1 (NIV)

Most of us have experienced the heartbreak of losing a pet or two during our lifetime and the biggest question is always whether to get another one and when to do it. I am convinced that God always lets us know if and when the time is right. Missy Tippens shares her experience in All God’s Creatures.


Three years after our elderly dog passed away, my husband and I decided we were ready to welcome a new four-legged family member. My daughter excitedly helped me begin the online search on rescue sites. After one disheartening day, where I was overwhelmed by the number of animals that needed homes and hadn’t gotten any responses to my inquiries, I shut down my computer. First thing the next morning, my daughter sent me a text with a link. She said, “I think I’ve found a dog that would be perfect. They say he would do well with someone who works at home.”

I quickly visited the shelter’s social media site and saw a photo of him with his head lying on a laptop computer—the same thing my previous writing buddy had done. As I looked through other photos of him, I had a clear thought. He’s mine. I quickly filled out the online application. I sent an email asking about meeting him. And to make sure they didn’t give my dog to another home, I also left a voice mail. I knew I had to have him! All day long, I monitored the social media page. I learned other people had sent in applications. Had I been first? Late that evening, I finally heard that my application was approved. I could meet him and bring him home if I fell in love with him.

And I did. On the Monday after Easter, I brought Honcho home to be part of our family.

I like to think of God looking at me the same way I looked at Honcho. You’re Mine, I imagine Him saying. As much as I love our new puppy, God loves me even more. What a joy to feel cherished like that.

My Beloved

Lord, thank You for healing bruised hearts through the love of the beloved pets we adopt into our families. Thank You that You have claimed me as Your beloved child. AMEN.

Mo Haner