Resident Tutor

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17

Learning something new every day is a great goal for all of us. We cannot stop learning. Once we reach that plateau, we begin to gather dust and those little dust bunnies don’t look very good on us.

What is something new to learn today?

·      Memorize a cell phone number of your emergency contact.

·      Read a verse in the Bible and check out the footnotes.

·      Do a little research and find out the story behind your favorite song.

·      Figure out what your weight should be according to your height.

These are all things that are not beyond the possibility of accomplishment today.

We have the gift of a teacher within us, and we might want to consider attending some of His classes. He has so much to teach us, and He yearns to share what He knows. He is ever-willing to teach us Christ-like living. 

The Holy Spirit taps us when we are headed down the wrong path. That little uncomfortable feeling in the pit of our stomach tends to intensify. Do we ignore or heed the warning? He gently tries to close our mouth when we want to off-load on someone. How well do we respond to His touch? When an apology is an appropriate action, whose words do we speak? Watching something inappropriate with friends feels wrong. Can we excuse ourselves and leave the room? Noticing a minor criminal act (i.e., shoplifting), how do we react?

Going against the norm does not feel safe today. Sadly, the norm is not based in Christianity anymore—at least not in our country. However, as followers of Christ, we are being led by our resident tutor, the Holy Spirit. Knowing what is right and wrong is part of our being. Is there any question? The conflict with our tutor is whether to get involved.

We cannot have it both ways. Either we follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit or feel quilt and shame as we seek forgiveness later. Have we been reduced to a performance-based, pass/fail program?

Does God have an honor roll? Is your name on that list?

Hymn of the Holy Spirit

Father God, thank You for the desire to learn more every day. Your gift of our resident Teacher is matchless! Help us to be open to instruction and willing to act according to Your will. AMEN.

Mo Haner