Somewhere in Between

For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Somewhere in between “Help me, Lord!” and “Thank You, Lord!” is an area where we get lost. During that time, we are walking the path in the middle of offered and answered prayer. How do we spend those moments, days, years? l think it would be great if there were only hours or at the most, days, from my petitions to responses. Life just does not work that way!

Do you ever question if your request is in line with His plan? There are some no-brainers that I already know: my cousin claims to be an atheist. I pray for him often. But then, there are other grey areas like: should I buy this now or wait?

And what does faith have to do with any of this? Truthfully, it is the foundation for every decision made (between Him and us). When things seem impossible, He makes a way. When we are gripping the edge of the cliff, He gives us a boost. The way is dark, full of fear and we can’t see light at the end of the tunnel, but He provides a little flicker and in a quiet whisper He beckons us, “Come on! I got this.”

If we lived by what we see around us, I believe many of us would be found in a fetal position in a corner muttering to ourselves. The world tells and shows that there is violence and all kinds of isms of corruption. Remember, this is not our home; we are just passing through.

What does walking by faith look like? It’s a peaceful stance in the middle of one of life’s tornadoes. When the blinding rain is so intense that the road has become invisible in front of us, we feel His Presence and protection. After hearing our diagnosis at the doctor’s office, we know that we will be healed one way or another. Each day we pray for our family members as they leave the house and release them into the Hands of God.

Somewhere in between, our faith is stirred and we either shrivel up or we take a deep breath and stand tall. Whether it takes a minute, hours, days, weeks or years, we must listen for His voice, “I got this!”

There’s Nothing Our God Can’t Do (As you watch this video, see the faith of these young people. Maybe there is hope after all!)

Father God, thank You for all the in between time. Help us to use it wisely. We see the dark world around us. With your great Light, help us to be the candle for others. AMEN.

Mo Haner