A New Song

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Anything to do with music is going to catch my attention. As a child, I experienced lots of respiratory illnesses and time in bed. During those long days, I read books and wrote stories and poetry; I even tried to put a melody to those lines. I stunk at that skill! But it was my entertainment because sixty years ago there was one TV—a huge, heavy, boxy piece of furniture in the corner—but that corner was not in my room. Out of those moments, I discovered that I like to write.

Below is an encouraging devotion that Max Lucado shares from his book, Unshakable Hope.


My friend Chris was diagnosed with mononucleosis when he was nine years old. The doctor ordered him to stay indoors for the entire summer. Chris was a rambunctious kid. A summer indoors with no Little League, fishing trips, or bike rides? Might as well trap an eagle in a bird cage.

Chris’s dad, resolved to find something good in the quarantine. He sold guitars in his drugstore and wasn’t a half-bad guitarist himself. So, he gave Chris a guitar. Each morning he taught his son a new chord or technique. Turns out, Christ had a knack for playing the guitar. By the end of the summer, Chris was beginning to write some songs of his own.

Within a few decades he was regarded as the “most sung songwriter in the world.” Perhaps you’ve heard some of his music: “How Great Is Our God,” “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone),” “At the Cross.”

I can’t help but think that Jesus was praying for this nine-year-old Chris Tomlin. What Satan intends for evil, Jesus will use for good.


How many times have we felt trapped by our circumstances? What we do during that rehab, recovery, or wait time is what shapes our faith. There is a reason we are there.

How Great Is Our God

Good and gracious God, thank You for constantly being with us—no matter where we are. Help us to use that place and time to connect with You instead of complaining about our circumstances. Thank You for shaping our faith even in the tough moments. AMEN.

Mo Haner