Can You Do Better?

These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage. Jude 1:16 (ESV)

ME: Jesus, I am tired of hearing people talk trash and reading it on Facebook! What’s wrong with this picture? I hate how the media can twist things all up into big, thick knots that no one can unravel.

JESUS: Well, good morning to you too. Did you hear what you just said?

ME: (Emphatically) I am not a grumbler or malcontent! I’m not…am I?

JESUS: What do you think you were doing?

ME:  I was just telling You how I feel. You have said I could bring anything to You because You care about me.

JESUS: You can, and I am glad that you do. But you are complaining. If you don’t want to read gossip on Facebook, get off social media. If you are bothered by what you call “trash talk” put an end to it and change the subject or get brave and tell them why it bothers you.

ME: Come to think of it, I do kind of complain a lot, don’t I? When it’s too hot in April, I whine. If its breezy, I sigh and speak about the pollen in the air that makes my eyes itch and my gray car green.

JESUS: Do you realize that when you find fault, you are actually saying that you don’t think I did or do a good job.

ME: Oh, no, no, no! A thousand times, NO! I don’t feel like that at all. I am not boasting of what I could do better. I’m just not really content with the way some things are going.

JESUS: That says you don’t like the way I am handling My creation. Again, let Me ask, can you do it better?

ME: Of course not. I’d make a mess of everything in the first few minutes. I can barely manage my own weekly schedule let alone take on the world’s problems. I am not trying to replace You or find fault. I do not want to offend You in any way. Please forgive me.

JESUS: Beloved, in all things, give thanks. You can learn what not to be by paying attention to your surroundings. By the way, I’ll give you until eternity to make a beautiful spring flower.

ME: You know I can’t do that.

JESUS: Just making sure.

Jesus Strong and Kind

Photo Michael Johnston

Mo Haner