Answer the Call - by Anonymous

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35 

Imagine that you are in the express lane at the grocery store. You glance at your watch estimating a 3-minute wait allowing you to finish your errands and pick up your son in time for his soccer practice. Then you notice a frail gentleman leaning against his walker holding a loaf of bread and a can of tuna. He struggles to count his change and hold the items. You quickly turn, trying to pretend you didn’t see his need as your cell phone rings.  The caller ID spells out the name of Jesus! Can you answer His call? He is calling you to love the people He has placed around you.

I took the chance and answered His call, inviting the gentleman ahead of me in line. He looked at me in amazement and thanked me, adding that he needed to make the 1:15 bus at the corner stop. As I drove to my son’s school I smiled as every red light along the route turned green allowing me to meet my son not one minute late. The call to love each other is a challenging one.  But when we do, people will experience the love of Jesus through us.  That’s a call worth answering!

Father God, give us hearts to love and serve others as Jesus Christ continues to call us to act in His Name. Amen.

Love Like Jesus

Bobbie Hoffman