In the Garden of Your Heart

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, …  Genesis 3:8

ME: Did You really walk in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve? Did they really see You as a person?

JESUS: Yes, we walked together and enjoyed each other immensely. Why are you asking this?

ME: I guess I’m curious about what it used to be like before they messed up. It must have been so peaceful and joyful. Did you laugh together—like best friends?

JESUS: Yes, dear child, it was and we did. You would like to experience that closeness again, correct? You can, you know.

ME: But it isn’t the Garden of Eden in all its splendiferous beauty! And You are not walking in person beside me.

JESUS: Really?

ME: My eyes are old now, but I don’t see this happening.

JESUS: You are not looking closely enough. I walk beside you every step through every day. My precious child, I am always with you. Just because you can’t physically touch Me does not mean I am absent.

ME: The world has become a bit ugly and it has lost much of its natural beauty. There does not seem to be a Garden of Eden anywhere on this planet.

JESUS: That is correct, but I have blessed you with this special place in your heart. Your heart has the ability to become as ‘splendiferous’ as you desire.

ME: Wow! I never thought of that.

JESUS: I know! That is why I am revealing this to you.

ME: Are You telling me that I can grow whatever I want?

JESUS: Yes, but I may ask you to do some weeding if your choices are worldly. As I have written in Galatians, I want you to plant love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- control. Against such things there is no law. Those things will make a spectacular garden for you and others to enjoy!

ME: I can’t wait to get started.

JESUS: Oh, child (chuckle)! You started that a long time ago; you just did not know what to call it.

In the Garden

photo: Michael Johnston

Mo Haner