We Are Getting Tired Now

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. Mark 6:31 (ESV)

If trees could speak, what do you imagine they might say? I believe (in my slightly wild and creative mind) that they would speak somehow with their Creator, and it might go something like this:

TREE: God, my branches are getting tired now. It has been a very long, hot summer. The nights are a little crisper but all parts of me are ready to rest.

GOD: Well, you have completed your tasks. You gave shade to the deer, the cardinals hid safely in your branches, the nuthatches nested and raised their young, your leaves and branches have moved with a nice cool breeze when I sent the wind, and you grew stronger this summer. I did not even need to remind you what to do. You just did it naturally.

TREE: Yes, and I did it all gladly. However, I am getting tired now.

GOD: A respite is well deserved. I will awaken you in the springtime. Rest well!

Probably this is a little over the top for some of you to identify with, but haven’t there been moments or seasons in your life when you were just dog tired? Feeling like you could not put one foot in front of the other, you cried out, “Jesus, I am too tired to go on. Help me!”

The To-Do list has been checked off—but at what cost? The spontaneous tasks have been accomplished. The immediate squabbles have been silenced. Your electric bill has been paid so you can see what you are doing. The visit to your mom in the hospital was a good one. Dinner is simmering in the crockpot. After picking up your husband’s dry-cleaning at 5:56pm (closes at 6pm), you pull in the garage and think: I have to do this all again tomorrow?

Our Creator never meant for us to live like this! Life should not be a drudgery. If it has become such, stop the music. Refrain from playing the same old song. Every day should be full of some kind of anticipation and joy. Don’t worry about where it went wrong but focus on the here and now.

You are a new creation, and He will give you rest. He is your rest.

Rest for the Weary

Heavenly Father, You are the perfect Creator. We come to You worn out, over worked, burdened and just plain tired. Help us to find our rest in You alone. AMEN.

Photo: Michael Johnston

Mo Haner