Magic Eraser

As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12

Many years ago, I came for a visit when my grandchildren were very young. I tried to help Bevin as much as I could by keeping the kitchen clean and the dishes done. I kept using this white, rectangular scrubber and it did a great job. She finally saw what I was doing and asked, “Why are you using that? That is for tough messes and not for dishes.” She then handed me a regular sponge scrubby, and I went joyfully back to washing the dishes.

I have encountered Magic Erasers many times since. It is a great product for getting crayons markings off the tables at His Kids.  Dirty handprints on the walls cannot stand up against this nifty hand-held scrubber.

Did you know that we have a Magic Eraser with awesome power and strength? Think of all the times we have seriously sinned. Our actions and words have certainly created messes over the years. The consequences and clean ups have taken time as we have repeatedly begged for forgiveness. With His super-sizes magic eraser, He has wiped away our sins. The most amazing thing is that He remembers it no more.

Most of us tend to bring up our past repeatedly—but He doesn’t!  Why can’t we let things go? I would venture a guess that we don’t quite trust that it’s over and done from His perspective. As humans, our ‘forgive and forget’ has not been made perfect. On this side, it will never happen; it is a goal for which we can strive. His precious blood shed on the cross for us makes us as white as snow.

I am not suggesting that everyone run out and purchase a Magic Eraser as a reminder of His incredible ability to erase our sins and clean us up, but it is a good visual.

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus

Heavenly Father, thank You for the forgiveness You mercifully give to us. In Your deep love, You help us clean our heaps and tangles. Let us never take that for granted. AMEN.

Mo Haner