Better Vision

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17

One of my favorite things in the world to do is take rides with Michael on all the dirt roads in Tioga County. Every time we go out, there is a feeling of anticipation and excitement. “What will God show us today?” We are never disappointed! Sometimes it is spider webs dripping with dew, or wildflowers silhouetted against a dark forest, or even the pond at sunset. Then there are other rides with big antlered bucks, a bear crossing the road or a flock of wild turkeys trotting through the field. The eagles, hawks and kestrels are so majestic to watch. Have you ever watched a bald eagle catch a fish for their eaglets?

During the last ride we took, it dawned on me that had I not re-connected with Michael, I would never have discovered this kind of beauty on my own. It was/is there all the time, but I was just too busy or project oriented to take the time and enjoy God’s gifts. I can’t help but wonder what else I have missed.

Taking a ride in the country is so peaceful and quiet. He drives slowly and stops often. He sees different things long before I do. We both enjoy what our eyes see as beautiful and unique. I love the little surprise waterfalls and he likes the sunlight and shadows in the woods.

I have a nature bucket list. I want to see a mama bear and her cubs, a rattlesnake in the wild and a porcupine. He has seen and photographed almost everything. But still each ride is new and scenic—just like God’s faithfulness is new every morning. One never knows what the day will hold or what will transpire. However, we can rest assured that He is with us every step of the way.

To be honest, I think He loves it when we are awed by His creation. When we are thankful, He blesses us with more and more. My desire is to have better vision—even if it is only a memory picture.

The Doxology

Heavenly Father, thank You for creating a beautiful world for us to enjoy. Please give us better vision to see all Your handiwork. AMEN

Mo Haner