When I Go Astray

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your eyes will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30: 21 (NIV)

A healthy respect for the law is a good thing. Sometimes that respect we show to policemen can make a difference between a ticket or a warning. There are times when our kind words (claiming ignorance) can save us from shame and embarrassment…and sometimes not! Emily Ryan (Mornings with Jesus) shares her story of getting lost—and then being found in the wrong place.


My morning appointment was on an unfamiliar campus, and I drove through the parking lot, scanning the large letters on the sides of buildings in search of the administration department. Slowly, I weaved through the rows of parking spaces, keeping my eyes peeled for the correct building. At one point, a gaggle of geese wandered in front of my car. I had to stop, roll down my window, and holler to shoo them out of the way.

That’s when a campus police officer appeared in my rearview mirror. He got out of his patrol car and stomped toward the driver’s side of my car, with a scowl on his face. “Why are you driving through a restricted area, ma’am?” He pointed to the small signs on the chain-link fence.

I apologized and explained that I had missed the signs because I’d been looking up at the buildings while driving. Even though I remained polite and respectful, the officer berated me for my inability to follow directions. He demanded I turn around immediately. I drove off ashamed and embarrassed.

Later, I thought about all the times I’d wandered off course in my spiritual life as well, despite a genuine effort to follow Jesus. I’m grateful for His gentleness when I go astray. Jesus never berates me. Instead, He directs my steps and missteps with love and patience. I want to be more like Him, not that campus police officer.

Faith Step: Remember a time when Jesus directed you back to Himself after a period of wandering. Thank Him again for His love, gentleness, and patience.

Amazing Grace

Loving Lord, thank You for being kind, gentle and patient with us when we act out of ignorance. Help us to be more in tune with You and listen / feel Your Hand guiding us. AMEN.

Mo Haner