
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6

Some of life’s best lessons are learned from children. This past week, I had a wonderful experience subbing with 3-year-olds at Trinity Lutheran School. I enjoyed every minute of my day. Seeing such young children learning to share, play and socialize made my heart smile.

Recess time was spent on the playground as every day was sunny and bright. On the way to the playground, each child held a colored handle on a rope. There were twelve handles and twelve littles. This method was used to keep the group all together and to teach them to walk two-by-two and look straight ahead.

Their teacher explained the importance of staying together and not passing anyone as well as focusing as she walked slowly ahead of them, and I came along behind. There were multiple children who simply did not get the line concept. They wandered ahead, ran into other kids, walked into the wall and delayed by looking behind to get one last glimpse of the fuzzy caterpillar crossing the parking lot.

After four days and twelve different recess times, I wondered how long it would take them to go without the color lead. So precious, so sweet and yet so vulnerable!

Do we easily stay on the path? Honestly, no! It is so easy to get caught up in the world and derail. While looking back or up above, I miss the tree roots that are on the ground. My knees don’t like the jolts of uneven ground anymore.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you (Isaiah 26:3). If you want a more peaceful and enjoyable walk, learn to focus your thoughts where they belong! Are you going to do this perfectly? Absolutely not! We all wander and get lost but the closer we stick to Jesus, the less chance of any kind of injury.

The path seems to get narrower as we age in Christ. If we watch where we are going, we know exactly where to step. The very best part of pursuing this path is that He walks with us! We are never alone—especially if we acknowledge Him.

I Have Decided

Most precious Savior, thank You for giving us beauty along our path. Help us not to get side-tracked and wander off. Keep us close and teach us to desire Your Presence more and more. AMEN.

Photo: Mo Johnston

Mo Haner