The Ultimate Diet

For sin shall no longer be your master because you are not under the law, but under grace. Romans 6:14 (NIV)

I like to cook, and I like to eat. Before I was married in September 2023, I had lost a respectable amount of weight. Once home, I began piling on the pounds again and enjoying all the yummy snacks and treats I’d gone without for several months. Once again, I am learning to do without and I’m okay. Heidi Gaul (Mornings with Jesus) has tattled on herself but also given us some food for thought. (Pun intended!)


I started a diet a few days ago, limiting my portions and counting calories. I recorded every mouthful that passed through the trapdoor of my lips. I already have results. I’ve gained a pound. I’m not surprised. Whenever I concentrate on eating less, my attention instead turns to eating in general. Anything. Everything.

The most effective approach to weight reduction I’ve found—for me, that is—is through exercise. Activity and hard workouts remove some of the excess weight. My shape changes as fat is replaced by healthy muscle.

The same holds true for sin. Days spent in self-absorption, my mind wallowing in regrets, weaken my witness as a Christian. The problem isn’t just the sin, but my obsession with it. I make it all about me. During those periods, I allow a tsunami of shame to overwhelm me.

When I exercise the hope and power I possess through Jesus, my faith muscles grow and shift. As a result, I become more effective. My hands and heart share more love for Him, with Him, and through Him.

Just as my clothes drape nicely after several trips to the gym, looking upward instead of inward helps my faith fit better, and it shows.

It’s time for another workout. Now, where’s my Bible?

FAITH STEP: Move your focus away from sins and inadequacies. On a sheet of paper, list some of your achievements—ways your body, mind, and spirit have gotten healthier. Think of one new way you can exercise your faith today too.

I Speak Jesus

Loving Lord, we praise Your Holy Name. There are times when we put our focus on ourselves instead of You; please forgive us. Thank You for the Voice that calls us back. We ask that You help us keep our full attention on You. AMEN.

Mo Haner