Meet Hate With Love

But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Luke 6:27-28

Martin Luther King Jr. in response to hateful, violent actions said, “We must meet violence with nonviolence. We must meet hate with love.” He believed loving one’s enemies held the power to transform society. Was he right? Could simply acting in love in the face of hostility really make a difference?

That is what Jesus teaches us to do. In a world so full of hatred, violence and war, it can be hard to believe, and put into action, this principle of love.

But this is what Jesus’ life, death and resurrection proclaim; Christ’s love conquers hatred and evil. We are called to be reflections of His love, and the Holy Spirit gives us the will and courage to do this. Dr. King moved forward with his conviction of this truth and made a lasting impact for change in our world. When we act with the love of Jesus, in the face bigotry and cruelty, when we encounter it, how will God use us to change our world?

Lord, give us the strength to love even when we are treated in hurtful ways. May the example of Jesus, and people like Martin Luther King Jr. inspire us to chose the way of love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer of St. Francis

Bobbie Hoffman