Virtual Reality

I will celebrate before the LORD. I will become more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. 2 Samuel 6:21-22 (NIV)

Why in the world would I want my life to be wilder than it already is? Some say it is their escape from the crazies. I do not know because I have never tried it. However, at my age, I want a firm grip on reality (and railings). To play in a game or walk on a beach that doesn’t exist is an uncomfortable thought for me. Emily E. Ryan (Mornings with Jesus) will make you laugh and really think!


My son saved his money to buy a high-quality virtual-reality headset, and the first time I played with it, he secretly recorded me with his phone. He showed me the video when I was done, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I looked ridiculous! I swatted at unseen enemies, dodged invisible obstacles, and ducked under barriers that seemed not to exist. With the headset on and my senses absorbed in the world only I could see, my movements and actions made sense. But from the outside looking on, I admit that I looked like a fool.

It made me think of how King David looked to his wife, Michal, when he celebrated what the Lord had done for Israel by dancing with all his might (2 Samuel 6;12-22). She said he looked undignified. He said it didn’t matter how he looked because his eyes were on the Lord.

I’ve done a lot of silly things for Jesus over the years. I’ve worn a pink wig, ridden a unicycle, and wrestled a goat when serving in the children’s ministry at church. But I’ve also taken jobs with small salaries and followed the Bible’s standard for purity in marriage with the intent of honoring Him. In many cases, my actions probably looked foolish from the perspective of others. But when I keep my eyes on Jesus, I remember to follow Him no matter how foolish or undignified I may look to others.

FAITH STEP: Is Jesus asking you to do something that might not make sense to others? Stop hesitating and do it.

You Are Life

Gracious Lord, You are enough and for that we are grateful people. Some might think You are like a virtual game but we know better. We put all our trust in You alone. AMEN.

Mo Haner