I Don’t Understand

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

ME: Jesus, I’d like to ask You some questions. I am not doubting Your abilities but there are a couple of things I just don’t understand and I want to know from your perspective.

JESUS: Let’s chat. What do you need to know?

ME: I said I want to know—not necessarily need to know. These things bother me and only You can shed light on them. First, I want to know why we have reached the technology to send drones through the air with pinpoint accuracy to bomb, kill and destroy and yet we have not found the cure for cancer.

JESUS: Oh, my precious child. Your heart is heavy due to so many friends with this diagnosis right now. Have you forgotten that I am the Healer?

ME: No, but why do they even get it in the first place. If we can bomb the daylights out of an exact location thousands of miles away, why can’t we stop cancer from growing?

JESUS: This is certainly a difficult question and I understand why you are asking it. I have never liked wars but sometimes they are necessary to right a wrong. Cancer is a personal war that must be fought from within while My prayer warriors hold their hand. Trust Me, I am still here. What other questions do you have for Me?

ME: I want to know how young people can have so much hate in them to want to kill other children.

JESUS: Hate can grow just like cancer. I am NOT saying that cancer is caused by hate. No, I am not saying that at all. I want you to think about how long it takes some forms of cancer to be detected and treated. It is the same with hate. It starts small with a comment, a push, or shove, a hurtful glance and the bitterness is stored away until it comes popping out in gunshots.

ME:  My heart hurts for these victims and the sick ones. I want everyone to get along and to be healthy. Why is that so difficult for everyone?

JESUS: Your desire is that I snap My fingers and make all these issues disappear. There are lessons to be learned in the suffering. My ways are not yours. I want you to find peace—My Peace, which will bring you comfort. These are not the answers you sought but ponder My responses.

ME: I’d rather have a big hug!

JESUS: Gladly, consider it done!

Perfect Wisdom of Our God

Mo Haner