Does My Mind Have an Attitude?

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV)

Life spins like a top today. It is sometimes difficult to keep up with all the NEW things. We have also learned that if we keep the old things, they will eventually come around again and become new. There is a tendency to hold on to old stuff.

While left alone without godly supervision, it’s quite fickle and can get us into some serious trouble. Imagine what would happen if we reacted to each thought that crossed our mind. What a mess we would make!

Attitudes can be positive or negative and can be formed through various experiences, social interactions, and individual personality traits. We run into problems when our mindsets take control of our daily lives. If we go with the flow, chances are that our days will be filled with doom and gloom as that is prevalent in our world today.

We were created with a much higher purpose. When feelings control us, there is little chance for things like, joy, contentment, peace, gentleness, and love to surface. Instead, we are suspicious, exhausted, frazzled, and have thoughts that are not pure.

How do we clean up this attitude in our mind? I’ve made it sound as if it is separate from us and our thoughts. Perhaps in a way, it is! It certainly is powerful and has control—if we allow it. Can anyone even tell we are Christ followers by our comments and actions?

Being aware of your thoughts and relinquishing all of them to the Holy Spirit is a great place to begin.  However, it’s important to recognize a poor attitude before it settles in and by that time, it’s already forming attachments.

It’s too late you say? Absolutely not! Don’t forget who has the most power and who loves to provide strength in our time of weakness. Maybe it’s time to put on your new self and give this attitude thing a try. Who knows, your outlook might drastically improve.

The Attitude One Should Have

Heavenly Father, please help us change our attitude and grow deeper roots in You. AMEN.

Mo Haner