Navigating Life
“Everything is permissible,” but not everything is beneficial. 1 Corinthians 10:23 (CSB)
…and then this voice spoke to me saying, “In 1,000 feet, turn left.” As I got closer to the street, I saw that it was one way going the other way. Wisdom told me not to turn left into three lanes of traffic at rush hour. Driving past the street, the voice was insistent that I turn around at the next street and go back. What was I to do? I didn’t know exactly where I was and obviously the voice didn’t either. (I had to ask a human for directions!) Karen Sargent (Mornings with Jesus) had a similar experience with her husband and shares a great take-away.
Our navigation app directed my husband and me through unfamiliar parts of St. Louis.
“Turn left at the light,” the automated voice commanded.
The signal was green, traffic was moving, but we weren’t in the turning lane. With a few quick maneuvers, Russ put us right where we needed to be. So we thought.
Oncoming headlights blinded us. “Why are cars driving toward us?” he shouted. Russ had turned onto the wrong side of a six-lane boulevard! Swerving through a break in the median, he got the car on the correct side of the street.
How did that happen? The voice said, “Turn.” The light indicated it was safe. Did we miss a Do Not Enter sign? Even though we tried our best, we failed to navigate the streets of St. Louis successfully.
Sometimes I don’t navigate life successfully, either. I don’t see, or maybe I ignore, warning signs and turn down a wrong path. I visit online sales for retail therapy when my budget is tight. I remain in friendships with toxic people because it’s easier than confrontation. I RSVP “yes” to a social event when the “right” people, whom I know don’t share my values are invited.
When I start down the wrong path, a voice—Jesus’s voice—warns me of danger. Jesus gives me the freedom to choose, but when my choices are not beneficial to me or to others, I can avert potential disaster by listening to Him. And when all else fails, thankfully He allows U-turns.
FAITH STEP: Do you face a choice that is perhaps permissible but not beneficial? Listen for Jesus’s voice to guide you.
Gracious and loving Father, thank You for being the loudest voice. Help us to turn up Your volume to override the more sinful things that want our attention. AMEN.