“Honey, They Are Home!”

For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God. Hebrews 3:4

At the end of a busy day, I pulled in the driveway and see all the deer lying around the field and in the back yard, This happened a few days ago and I questioned Michael, “Why don’t they go home?” He gave me that are-you-serious kind of look and responded, “Honey, they are home!”

I had never really thought much about it. After I feed them in the morning and evening, they all seem to go their own ways but I don’t know where they go. I thought that they were just coming to eat but their presence now says otherwise. My dear deer come back and rest. They watch the back door with rapt attention. As they chew their cuds, their eyes scan the woods for others of their kind. Perhaps they feel safe and well cared for. I am not their God but through Him, I am able to provide for them.

Can we be likened to these beautiful creatures? Do we come and feed at His Table? Are we safe and secure in His Presence? Is it possible to rest quietly knowing that we are cared for? The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him (Nahum 1:7, ESV). Are we known? Sometimes, I wonder if God’s creatures are smarter than us. They don’t worry, or have anxiety. We are the only ones with issues.

Watching these deer has taught me many lessons. Even though the time of sparring and the rut is upcoming, they clash antlers and then turn around and clean each other. They don’t run off in a huff! In fact, they lie with each other in the field—peacefully. They remain calm. Do we do all that?

These deer are feed with gentleness and they know it! I talk to them and sometimes even sing to them. I can do that because of the love He has placed in my heart for His creatures.

This isn’t home for us, for we are just passing through. On the way, we can still discover a little peace on earth and claim it—just like the deer.

“Honey, they are home!”


Loving Lord, thank You for our promise of home in Heaven. Please show us how to rest by quiet waters, feel the sunshine, and enjoy the peace and safety of Your loving arms while passing through our days here on earth. AMEN. 

Photo: Michael Johnston




Mo Haner