Learning from the Littles

What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9 (NIV)

With childish voices, the littles will tell you like it is—as they see life. They speak with authority and great fascination about life. Lots of ‘why’ questions come from the littles. Quite often I cannot do justice with my responses because the answers are far beyond their comprehension. I just try to keep it simple.

Here are some high points that have I become aware of this year:

·      Fairness is important.

·      Every move is watched but they don’t always listen to my words.

·      Being slick is practiced daily.

·      All want attention—at the same time.

·      Blending truths and untruths is part of life.

·      Affirmation is a motivator.

·      Being loved is comforting.

·      Forgiveness feels good after a display of unacceptable behavior.

·      Smiles change everything.

·      Hugs are welcomed.

·      Peace is a good thing!

From 4 and-5-year-olds, these are the most important things in their lives. But wait, don’t all these things apply to us too? Are we littles in big bodies? Except for the child-like voice, I think it is a real possibility.

Making an impression on these vulnerable, young lives is a goal. Not that I want to go back to my childhood, but I do want to help them grow up in a world where God’s love will see them through any event, trial, or situation. We strive to make God smile.

Being slick is a practiced behavior. They don’t always listen but they sure watch to see where I am and what I’m doing. “What can I get away with?” is their mantle on some days.

Probably most of us know some attention-seeking people who enjoy being sick, must be first, or are extremely loud with their input. The littles are no different.

There is great joy when the class members cheer for each other. “You can do this!” sounds like music to my ears when a child is struggling.

Feeling loved is a comfort. When behaviors have been less than stellar and consequences have been given; forgiveness, smiles, and hugs make everyone feel better.

We are like the littles after all. Today, I smile knowing God isn’t finished with them—or any of us.

My God Is So Big

Heavenly Father, thank You for the littles and the lessons we can learn. Teach us to how to bring more smiles to Your Face. AMEN.

Mo Haner