Whom Shall I Send?

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Who shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”  Isaiah 6:8 (NKJV)

While I’d like to think I’m qualified to do many things, I really am not. Yes, there are some things that I do better than others. I gave up the idea of being competent in everything a long time ago. I was driving myself crazy but my talks with Jesus turned that around. Crystal Storms (All God’s Creatures) tells us how He seeks the one available—not always qualified, because He’s the one that qualifies us.


I arrived at my Toastmasters meeting to see one of the members with his German Shorthaired Pointer. “How come you brought your dog to our meeting?”

Our vice president on education pointed to the large canine at his feet. “This is Jada. She is part of my speech.”

“Sounds fun. I look forward to hearing about Jada.”

Jada lay on the floor between Rich and his wife the entire evening never making a sound.

As the prepared speeches part of the meeting opened, Rick led Jada to the lectern. He explained how he was training Jada to be a companion for his wife, who has PTSD from her time in the military. Rick worked with Jada every night during their evening walks.

Jada’s breed isn’t traditionally used for service dogs, but she was their beloved family pet. Rick was working with a dog trainer to teach Jada how to become a service dog. At the end of his speech, he and Jada demonstrated “heel,” “sit,” and “stay.” She obeyed every command, revealing hours of training and hard work.

On the drive home, I considered how God doesn’t look for the person with the most qualifications. Just as Rick worked with their family dog, God seeks out the one who is available. The person who walks by His side. The one who is obedient to His Word. The one who, like the prophet Isaiah, hears God’s call and responds, “Here I am! Send me.”

My prayer as I laid my head on the pillow that night was for the Lord to give me a willing heart that follows His leading. Here I am! Send me!

God is looking for willing hearts…God has no favorites. You do not have to be special, but you have to be available.   —Winkie Pratney

Loving Lord, please use me this day and may I respond to you with jubilant joy! AMEN.

Here I Am, Lord

Mo Haner