Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning, there is joy. Psalm 30:5 (TLB)


ME: Jesus, sometimes I just don’t understand what You’re saying.

JESUS: Now that, dear child, is a very true statement. This is a more difficult concept to comprehend because of your humanness.

ME: I’m getting older, and the obituaries are carrying names of some of my classmates. I take trips down memory lane and feel the losses.

JESUS: I recognize your emotions but that is not what this verse means. I want you to see this from My perspective. Grief is different for everyone. For some, it will last a few days and for others, well, —it is longer.

ME: I already know this.

JESUS: Yes, but as a human being, when are you most apt to feel alone and vulnerable? In the dark! In those moments, your emotions get the best of you and you cry tears of sorrow, anger, and misery. Have you ever considered that I am the Light that is always with you? However, you need to physically see a daybreak to grasp this. When morning gilds the sky, your heart awakening cries…. You praise Me! After you have had rest, things always look differently.

ME: I still don’t completely get it. Where does the joy come in because when I’ve lost a loved one, a job, or a dream, how do I find joy in any of that?

JESUS: It is all about trust. The amount of joy you feel is based upon the amount of trust you have in Me. You can have various feelings and still experience joy. In this world you will have troubles and challenges but, in My kingdom, there is only joy. When you trust Me, that is where they meet.

ME: That all makes sense when I read it or hear it, but when I am going through things, that darkness is overwhelming. I need You to come and guide me through.

JESUS: No, you need to trust Me enough to realize I am already there; I’ll always be with you to give you My joy.

ME: Okay! I think I’ve got this down now. By the way, I love that old hymn When Morning Gilds the Sky.

JESUS: Yes, I know. That’s why I used those beautiful words.

Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

Gracious God, thank You for the joy that comes after our sorrows. Thank You for being with us in the darkest times and gently nudging us to feel the joy. Your love is amazing and such a comfort. Help us to lean upon You more and more. AMEN.

Photo: Michael Johnston

Mo Haner