New Year Goals

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps Proverbs 16:9

Ringing in a New Year, and as traditions go, don’t we have hopes of becoming a better version of ourselves in the coming year? We set personal goals for ourselves that we want to accomplish over the next twelve months. Aren’t most of these resolutions about changing something about the exterior self? How often are those promises really kept? I get the importance of self-care, self-advancement and doing things to improve our overall health and well-being. The problem I have with these 12:01 January 1 vows is that they often are accompanied with high expectations and that quickly are abandoned when results aren’t coming as quickly as expected. 

 Entering a new year is like turning the page of a book, where new beginnings and unexpected twists await. The world turns and it’s difficult to predict how things will impact each of us in our daily lives. 

 So perhaps we approach the New Year with goals regarding how we want to live but with the understanding that it is God that powers each of our abilities to transform. God provides us tools that help us to reach goals and change lives. 

 First, we need God’s Spirit for empowerment. Resolutions often connote desire and willpower. But goal fulfillment is powered by God - instead of our will, it’s trusting in God that helps us to reach goals. 

 We also need to consider the importance of God’s Word to guide our way. I’ve heard the Bible referred to as the owner’s manual for life. I’ve come to see the reality of that statement by making reading, studying, and meditating scripture key to fulfillment in my life.

 And we need God’s people for support. For example, being involved in a small group is very valuable. I know the value of having people in my life that care, that know when I’m troubled, know when I’m not feeling well, and can loving tell me when it’s time to take a break. It’s an opportunity to share successes and failures. We rejoice together and offer encouragement to keep going. 

 Consider remembering Malachi 3:6a as we strive to reach goals: I the LORD do not change. I chose this verse to remind us that while we proceed on our personal journeys, be reminded of this everyday truth – God does not change.  God’s love towards us is more certain than the arrival of a new day. Because He is unwavering even in the face of change, we can always rely on His mercy. We can look forward to the year ahead with unwavering confidence in God. He wants us to live out the dreams He puts in our hearts, and He cheers us on to fulfill His purposes for us. 

 Happy New Year!

 Be Thou My Vision

Rick Phillips