They Come So Early
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior, my God will hear me. Micah 7:7
ME: Why do these deer come before daylight to be fed? It’s just too early to go out in the dark and stumble around trying to fill their food bucket.
JESUS: They are creatures of habit. When they are hungry, they come. They are waiting for you to go out and give them their corn.
ME: But they stand at the window and look in at me. Their big brown eyes just ask one question, ‘When?’
JESUS: So, go feed them or shut the curtains.
ME: It is so dark here at 6:30am; I can’t see what I’m doing but they sure know how to tug at my heart strings. I want to wait until I can recognize each one of them—especially Jonah, who eats out of my hand. The other bucks push him away but he comes right back for more. You know, I think the world tries to push me away from You—like those young bucks.
JESUS: Well, My precious child, have you ever given thought to comparing what we do? We both offer food to the hungry but My food is unlike your deer corn. When you eat from My table, your spiritual hunger subsides and you are filled with comfort, contentment, and peace. Feeding the deer is only a momentary relief staving off their hunger. You really need to come to my bountiful table more often.
ME: You are right! I seem to forget that Your spread is eternal and so much better than what the world has to offer. When I am hungry both physically and spiritually, You provide. While I wait, I will trust only You.
JESUS: Try being a little more like the deer. They know their food is coming, but they must wait on you. Try waiting on me for your daily bread instead of whipping up some of your wild and crazy concoctions. You even seem to convince yourself that it is palatable, but Mine is so much better for you. Just wait.
ME: Thank You for all the endless life-lessons I learn from the critters. There is always something new to learn and I am grateful.
JESUS: Your openness pleases Me.