
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. Matthew 24:36

What a fantastic and thought-provoking way to continue in Holy week! In the Chapel where I’m subbing high school English, you could have heard a pin drop as Pastor Mark delivered a sobering message. This is the Reader’s Digest version.

We prepare for all kinds of special events like Christmas, Easter, birthdays, weddings etc. Extravagant amounts of time and money are spent as we organize, read the best articles, and adopt pre-set planning schedules, make decisions, and get things done prior to that special event. Days are ticked off on the calendars.

What if we had no exact dates for big occurrences? Could we accurately plan? Most assuredly we could not!

The next biggest event in our world’s history will be the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. We don’t know when this will happen, but we know it will and we can prepare.

In the Old Testament, this is mentioned 17 times and 23 times in the New Testament. We have been told so we can’t plead ignorance.

How can we be prepared for something that is not even on our calendar?

When Pastor Mark asked how many students had prayed before they came to school, a few hands went up. Then he asked: “How many read the Bible before you entered the front doors?” Many simply put their heads down and hid their reddened faces.

If Pastor Mark had asked us (as adults), how would we have honestly answered? Are we too busy with life, getting breakfast, going to our meetings, beating the school bus schedule, and grabbing that cup of coffee to pray or read the Book of Life to start our day?

Prepare! We have been told. So, what are we going to do with this promise of God?

Perhaps we should start proclaiming the news that He is coming back. Not that we must be like John the Baptist, but at least we can refer to it whenever possible. Get creative! This story is exciting.

It’s going to be a big, big day and personally, I can’t wait!

Our God Is an Awesome God  

Heavenly Father, You have not revealed Your plans but because You have promised this, we trust You completely. Help us to prepare for this incredible day! AMEN.

Mo Haner